Thursday, December 30, 2010

NEW COMICS DAY Twitterama - YOU Review Comics!

It's the last New Comic Book Day of 2010, and in a shocking twist, comics are indeed on sale today — no delay because of the Christmas holiday. It's like one last present! For previews of this week's comics, including exclusive looks at Teen Titans #90 and Justice Society of America #46, just head over here.

J. Caleb Mozzocco has his inimitable look at new releases in the form of ‘Twas the Night Before Wednesday... over on Blog@Newsarama, this time around looking at diverse offerings including the trade paperback collection of Mark Waid and Andy Kubert's Ka-Zar, plus Hellboy: The Sleeping and The Dead.

The Illuminati are back in Avengers #8, but it looks like that may not be a good thing — either for them or the rest of the Marvel Universe. Also at Marvel, Shield #5 is the latest from that bimonthly book, X-vets Chris Claremont and Louise Simonson team for Chaos War: X-Men #1, and Anya Corazon gets a sophomore issue with Spider-Girl #2.

DC? Why, they've got the first issue of the David Finch-written, David Finch-drawn Batman: The Dark Knight #1, and the travels of Lex Luthor continue with Action Comics #896 — and hey, Flash #8 is out, another new issue of that title, that had been lagging behind schedule-wise.

Hey, there's more: Top Cow's debuting Echoes #1, IDW wraps their True Blood miniseries with #6, and a beloved Archie character says goodbye in alternate timeline magazine-format book Life With Archie #6.

If weather is permitting you to leave your house, here's what you should do: buy some comics, read them thoroughly, get on Twitter (Don't forget to follow us!), and let the world know your 140-character-or-less thoughts on this week's releases. Just add the hashtag:


and it'll go into our stream right here! So share your thoughts, spread the word, and let's talk comics!
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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Archie's Theme

Everybody sing!
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I pinched this from The Oatmeal.

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Aaron's Comic Books Blog

I would have to say that my iPad is without a doubt the coolest tech gadget that I have owned. I have found many uses for it in my day job, around the house, and for entertainment. The uses are quite staggering, even without a keyboard (keeping my fingers crossed for a wireless keyboard for Christmas though), and I find it in many respects much more versatile than my laptop. I would have to say though that the laptop is still my go to device for anything writing related.

For comic reading, it is a lot of fun. There couple of main ways of reading comics on the iPad, through a PDF or panel by panel with some applications, and both have their merits. The PDF reads much more like your traditional paper comic, but the panel by panel format really adds an extra bit of presentation to the mix. Again, as I have said before, I really don't think digital comic books will replace paper ones as there just isn't any collectability with digital comics and so many fans don't wish to make that jump. That being said,  I do truly see this as the next frontier in the world of comic books and think this will be a great way to make new readers as touching something on the screen to order a comic is a lot easier for someone to do than to drive down and purchase one in the store.

That leads to the real problem with digital comic books which will be the impact they have on our brick and mortar stores. As more and more get their fix via a digital platform, many stores could easily suffer from lack of sales. I don't really have an answer for stores other than to try to diversify their revenue streams as the digital comic book is here to stay and will only continue to grow.

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